No Prisons De Cymru has got fresh stickers. See them on the streets.
Ma gan No Prisons De Cymru sticeri newydd sbon. Cadwch olwg ar y strydoedd.
Gwenallt (David James Jones, 1899-1968) was a local Welsh-language poet, arguably one of the most important Welsh poets of the 20th century. He was imprisoned during the First World War for refusing conscription into the army, seeing it as an imperialist war which sent the workers of the world to their deaths. He lived on the run from the military authorities working as a farm hand before being captured and serving his sentence. There are many stories of workers escaping prison and living clandestinely in the hills of South Wales during this time. The above quote is from a letter to his lifelong friend Albert Davies who was also imprisoned during the war. In it he critiques prisons in general, calling for their abolition.
Bardd lleol, ac efallai un o feirdd Cymraeg bwysica’r 20fed ganrif, oedd Gwenallt (David James Jones, 1899-1968). Fe garcharwyd yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf am iddo wrthod consgripsiwn i’r fyddin, gan ei weld yn rhyfel imperialaidd oedd yn anfon gweithwyr y byd i’w marwolaeth. Llwyddodd ffoi rhag yr awdurdodau milwrol am gyfnod trwy lafurio yng nghefn gwlad, cyn iddo gael ei ddal a’i orfodi i’r carchar. Mae De Cymru yn frith o straeon am weithwyr yn dianc carchar ac yn byw ar herw yn y bryniau yn ystod y cyfnod hwn. Daw’r dyfyniad uchod o lythyr i’w gyfaill oes Albert Davies a garcharwyd yn y rhyfel yn ogystal. Ynddi ymosoda ar garchardai yn gyffredinol gan alw am eu dymchweliad.